Scoil Rince Taiwan
台 灣 愛 爾 蘭 舞 團
快訊:台灣愛爾蘭舞團於 2023 RCCEA世界盃歐亞區資格賽獲佳績
愛爾蘭舞蹈基礎新班招生中 (常態班/兒童班·台中/台北 )
與我們聯絡 Line ID: @cng1240j
About Scoil Rince Taiwan
關 於 台 灣 愛 爾 蘭 舞 團
Scoil = School , Rince = Dance
Scoil Rince 是愛爾蘭文的"舞蹈學校"
CLRG registered Irish Dance School @ Taichung
TCRG (Teagascóir Choimisiúin le Rinci Gaelacha) = Commission Certified Irish Dance Teacher
國際愛爾蘭舞蹈協會CLRG 合格教師
李 栢 寧 Daniel Lee TCRG
台灣愛爾蘭舞團為台中市府文藝證字第858號演藝團體,由來自台灣各地優秀愛爾蘭舞者組成,舞團隸屬國際愛爾蘭舞蹈協會CLRG立案學校 - Scoil Rince Taiwan 愛爾蘭舞專門學校。
Scoil Rince Taiwan 肩負傳承正統愛爾蘭舞蹈的任務。愛爾蘭舞是有歷史的舞蹈,傳承百年以上的舞步經由文字被記錄下來,透過舞蹈亦可以習得其歷史脈絡。團長 李栢寧老師,身為國際認證教師,除了傳授愛爾蘭文化之外,亦沒有忘記台灣子民的身份,期許將更多台灣愛爾蘭舞的舞者們送至世界參加國際賽事,讓世界看見台灣。
我們都歡迎您加入Scoil Rince Taiwan!
About Irish Dance
時間和節奏是最重要的,錯綜複雜且節奏超快的步伐,是愛爾蘭裔以外的人對愛爾蘭舞的印象。這種有節奏的步法和活潑的音樂混合在一起,無論聽到什麼,都一定會讓腳尖跟著動起來!透過Riverdance(大河之舞)和Michael Flatley的Lord of the Dance(舞王)等表演,愛爾蘭舞蹈踏進了國際舞台,愛爾蘭舞蹈是一個令人興奮且不斷發展的舞蹈形式,同時又具有悠久的歷史和強烈的傳統感。
What is Irish dancing and why is it so popular?
Over eighty million people in the world claim to have Irish heritage. So it’s no wonder that Irish dancing, the traditional dance form of Ireland, is so popular, not just amongst Irish communities scattered across the continents, but in countries as far afield as Japan, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and in at an ever growing rate in Eastern Europe.
A network of Irish dancers and their teachers span the globe, regularly meeting to compete, share knowledge and enjoy this rich culture. Focused primarily on footwork, Irish dancing is performed either individually (step dancing) or by teams (céilí and set dancing), and accompanied by traditional Irish music played on a variety of instruments, such as accordion, piano, fiddle, flute or banjo.
Timing and rhythm are of utmost importance and it is the intricate and fast paced footwork that has captured the imagination of the world outside of the Irish community. This mixture of rhythmic footwork and lively music is sure to set toes tapping, wherever they are heard!! Catapulted onto the international stage by shows such as Riverdance and Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance, Irish dancing is an exciting and ever evolving dance form, with a long history and a strong sense of tradition.
About CLRG
關於 國際愛爾蘭舞蹈協會
國際愛爾蘭舞蹈協會 CLRG
國際愛爾蘭舞蹈協會An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha(簡稱CLRG),最初為1920年代由愛爾蘭蓋爾文聯盟(Conradh na Gaeilge)建立的機構(註1),目的是審查當時存在的愛爾蘭舞蹈組織,並提出未來發展的建議。
該機構於1927年首次召開會議,並於1930年實際上開始運作。在經過近兩年的審議之後,愛爾蘭蓋爾文聯盟提交了一份報告,指定該機構成為權威性的愛爾蘭舞蹈發展機構。Tomás ó Faircheallaigh持續擔任CLRG的主席約25年直到2004年辭世,他是最後一位草創時期的委員。在當今的愛爾蘭舞蹈世界中,一定很難想像在1930年代是如何推廣的。CLRG最初為了愛爾蘭舞蹈合格教師,建立嚴格標準的評核機制,後來也為合格裁判制定了標準,並出版了一本Céilí舞蹈標準手冊,而後舉辦愛爾蘭舞蹈錦標賽,在當時認知是一個單獨的活動。全愛爾蘭舞蹈錦標賽(Oireachtas Rince na hÉireann)直到今天仍在所有推廣愛爾蘭踢踏舞、Céilí舞和團體舞蹈人士的心中,佔有很重要的地位。許多我們認為理所當然的事情,比如愛爾蘭舞蹈現在在世界上充滿活力的發展盛況,由九個區域委員會負責監督愛爾蘭、英國以及其他地區的組織,像是北美的I.D.T.A.N.A.、歐洲大陸/亞洲的R.C.C.E.A.、澳大利亞的A.I.D.A.和紐西蘭的T.I.D.A.N.Z. 等所進行推動的愛爾蘭舞蹈活動,這些都要感謝CLRG草創時期成員的深謀遠慮和奉獻。
1970年世界盃愛爾蘭舞蹈錦標賽(Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne)在都柏林Parnell廣場Coláiste Mhuire的小劇場舉辦,毫無疑問是CLRG成立以來,為愛爾蘭舞蹈發展建立最重要的里程碑。看看世界盃愛爾蘭舞蹈錦標賽對於媒體吸引力的規模,就可以看到傳統愛爾蘭舞蹈對在世界舞台的影響力有多巨大。毫無疑問,如果不是因為1960年代CLRG成員的創新和勇敢,做出舉辦世界盃愛爾蘭舞蹈錦標賽和當時整個資格賽事的重大決定,我們可能永遠也看不到愛爾蘭舞蹈在世界各地的快速發展。
在1994年的歐洲歌唱大賽之後,愛爾蘭舞蹈吸引了廣大觀眾的興趣,也就是Riverdance第一次的出現,一直到現在,愛爾蘭舞蹈已經被世界各國沒有愛爾蘭血統的人們練習著。這個重大事件發生在世界盃在都柏林Burlington酒店慶祝25週年紀念活動僅兩週之後。隨後的“大河之舞”(Riverdance-the-Show)取得了輝煌的成功,1996年麥可弗萊利(Michael Flatley)的舞王(Lord of the Dance)更是風靡全球,DVD的銷量屢創紀錄。將愛爾蘭舞蹈帶到了一個前所未有的境界。如今,愛爾蘭舞蹈在全球各地都有學習需求。
註1: 愛爾蘭蓋爾文聯盟(Conradh na Gaeilge)為推動愛爾蘭文化、音樂、舞蹈和語言保育傳承非常重要的組織,由愛爾蘭共和國獨立後第一任總統德格拉斯·海德(Dubhghlas de hÍde)於1893年所創立
An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha / The Irish Dancing Commission
History of An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha and Oireachtas Rince ns Cruinne
An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha was established by Conradh na Gaeilge – The Gaelic League – in the late nineteen-twenties as a commission for the purpose of examining the organisation of Irish dancing as it existed at that time and to make recommendations as to how it might be better organised in the future.
The body first met in 1927 as a Commission of Enquiry and in 1930 actually met as an authority with the mandate to implement its own recommendations. Having produced a report after almost two years of deliberations Conradh na Gaeilge appointed that same body of people as an authority with a mandate to set about implementing it's recommendations. Tomás ó Faircheallaigh, who was President of An Coimisiún for some 25 years up to his death in 2004, was the last surviving member of that original commission. In the today’s world of Irish Dancing, it is hard to imagine what it must have been like in the nineteen-thirties. It was An Coimisiún which first established a standard for teachers, and later for adjudicators, of Irish dancing, published a handbook of Céilí dances, and established Oireachtas an Rince, as it was then known, as a separate event. The All Ireland Irish Dancing Championships continue to occupy a special place in the hearts of all those involved in the promotion of our Irish Step dancing, Ceili and Figure Dancing. So many of the things we take for granted, like the international dimension of Irish Dancing, with nine Regional Councils overseeing a vibrant Irish dancing scene in Ireland and Britain and organisations such as the I.D.T.A.N.A. in North America, R.C.C.E.A. in Mainland Europe/Aisa, A.I.D.A. in Australia and T.I.D.A.N.Z. in New Zealand carrying on the work of promoting Irish Dancing, could not have happened without the forethought and dedication of those early pioneering members of An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha.
The influence of An Coimisiún continues to spread throughout all five continents, and we now have active teachers of Irish Dancing not only in countries where the traditional Irish diaspora settled, Great Britain, North America, and Australasia, but also throughout continental Europe, in South Africa and as far away as South America and Asia.
There can be no doubt that the establishment of Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne, the World Irish Dancing Championships, in 1970 was the most important development in Irish Dancing of the eighty-five years since the founding of An Coimisiún.
From humble beginnings in the tiny theatre of Coláiste Mhuire in Parnell Square in Dublin in 1970, it has grown into an international event of immense proportions with a standing undreamt of back in the thirties. One has only to look to the huge media interest in Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne to see the influence it has had in placing our magnificent Irish Dancing tradition on the world stage. There can be no doubt but that, were it not for the innovative and courageous decision of the members of An Coimisiun in the late nineteen sixties, when the momentous decision to create a World Irish Dancing Championship event, and to stage qualifying events throughout the then catchment area of An Coimisiun, we might never have seen the enormous expansion in interest in Irish Dancing around the World.
The explosion in interest in Irish Dancing which took place following the Eurovision Song Contest of 1994, which gave us the brand Riverdance for the very first time, saw Irish Dancing now being practised by people with little or no connection with Ireland. This momentous event took place just two weeks after Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne had celebrated its 25th annivarsary in the Burlington Hotel in Dublin. The runaway success of the subsequent Riverdance-the-Show followed by the phenomenal success of Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance in 1996 placed Irish Dancing in a place it had never been before. By now Irish Dance was in demand all around the globe.
Belfast 2000 saw another first for An Coimisiún, when the flagship event moved outside the Republic of Ireland for the first time. Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2010 with its third visit to Glasgow. The United States of America in 2013, this time in Boston MA, 2014 saw the event successfully staged for the first time in London, while Montreal, Canada hosted the Championships in 2015. All roads will lead us back to Glasgow in 2016. Dublin in 2017. Glasgow in 2018.
1930 irish dance competition in Dublin
Jean Butler and Michael Flatley at the Eurovision Song Contest of 1994
2016 the World Irish Dancing Championships in Glasgow
熱情招生中 不需任何舞蹈經驗 (台中/台北)
常態基礎班 Class A :Adult/Senior Classes
建議年齡:10歲以上及成人 age 10 and older
兒童基礎班 Class C :Children Classes
建議年齡:6~9歲兒童 age 6 ~ 9
火焰之舞 2023 Feet of Flames
主角見面會 Meet the cast
2023年12月15日我們的舞者在台中文心圓滿劇場,與火焰之舞主角們見面,並一起在舞台上表演經典舞步“rapid fire”
火焰之舞 2018 Feet of Flames
主角見面會 Meet the cast
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Scoil Rince Taiwan 台灣愛爾蘭舞團
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